Hi everyone! This is my second game jam so go gentle! I have been doing various little side projects for a few years now. Like with my first game jam, this is one of the few projects that I’ve actually finished or created a closed loop for. And it hits different, yanno?

Most of the time, leaving a project unfinished and jumping onto the next one just makes me feel messy, and that somehow, I failed on the last one. But taking the time to finish a project is incredibly rewarding. You also learn skills that you might not learn if you don’t finish a project. Most people mess around with a simple game loop and call it a day. Finishing a project teaches you about how to transform that simple loop into a functioning game with features like sound effects, polished art, and above all, MENUS!

I definitely enjoyed making this game more than the first one. I’m putting it down to two core things:

  1. I’m not exactly throwing myself into the deep end this time. By now I have some sort of understanding of how Godot functions as a game engine so I can spend less time worrying about how I want to add a feature and focus on the fun stuff like adding said features.
  2. This Jam came at a really busy time for me, at least that’s what I thought at the beginning. This past week in the UK was “freshers’ week”, the week where most University students go back to campus and party for a week straight. This project taught me valuable lessons about how healthily to balance a “work life” and a hectic social life.

I really hope you all enjoy this game! I had a blast making it and I can’t wait to hear what you all think of it!



Navigate through a procedurally generated maze to pick up coins while avoiding the spooky ghosties' paths. You will only be able to exit the maze once all the coins are collected.



                MOVE – WASD

                ACCEPT – ENTER

                RESTART – R



                Programming / Art – this guy!

                SFX –

                Music –

Published 4 days ago
Made withGodot
TagsGBJam, Ghosts, maze

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