GRUB SLAYER - 12/08/2024

Evening everyone! This is my very first Game Jam, so this submission is less about the quality or scope of the game, but more about learning some of the key aspects and concepts required to make a functioning program.

This submission was made in Godot over the span of around ten days. This was the very first time I have used Godot. The idea came from scrolling on YouTube for ages and convincing myself that this will all end up better than the time I tried to make a game engine in C++ (I got further than you’d expect).

These past ten days have been a proper eye-opener for me regarding game development. There is a lot to think about, but it also made me realise I was blatantly overthinking some parts that I just didn’t need to worry too much about. On top of learning Godot and GD-Script, I spent a few hours making assets for the game like sprites and sounds. While I have used my own sprites for this submission, all of the audio has been sourced from and I guess that’s the take from having a go at something - Always try folks!

I have been programming various gubbins for the past 7 years now, in a number of languages (web dev, C++, C#, even Haskell unfortunately). Thinking back, this is the only project I have ever completed, and felt happy about. Not to say that I am done with this project post submission. I understand there are many parts of this game internally that were not programmed or styled to the best of my knowledge, or capabilities. Once this jam is over, it will be a small hobby of mine to come back to GrubSlayer and improve on its core foundations.



Not much to it really. You have a series of levels, filled with grubs. Killing all the grubs allows you to progress to the next level. Beat all the levels. There is a timer that will record how long it takes for you to finish the game.



                Move – AD / Controler D-PAD

                Jump – W / Controller A

                Attack – SPACE / Controller B (xbox)

                Restart – R / Controller Y (xbox)



                Programming / Art – C'est moi :D

                SFX -

                Music – Hold The Line LOSPEC MIX – bart,

-- 13/08/2024 --

        Added Controller support for UI

Made withGodot
Tags2D, Retro


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i am having a blast. i love slaying grubs

Really satisfying, feels like something from the Atari era, in a good way. Is it possible to make the final “Replay” button accessible by gamepad? Or maybe a startup delay. I lose a second reaching for the mouse to restart each time.

Thanks for the feedback! Found that cheeky "grab_focus()" method so everything should be accessible via controller now :D

Confirmed! And I finally got under 50 s, was trying for like an hour to do that yesterday. Chalk it up to the gamepad-button-to-restart, for sure :D